The Stroke That Kills

Seth Josel has just released an electric guitar solo CD with New World Records called The Stroke That Kills. I’m really looking forward to getting my hands on it once I’m back in the US. I’m most interested to hear Alvin Curran’s, Tom Johnson’s, and Gustavo Matamoros’s pieces, and I’m sure there will be something else on the album that grabs me, too. Seth really knows his way around the repertoire. (Take a look at Sheer Pluck, and you’ll see what I mean.)

The Huddersfield festival finished up two days ago, and I’m still much too tired to write about it. It’s like when you walk for hours, sit down, and only then realize just how tired your feet are. In any case, I’m very, very glad I went. There is a lot to say about it, and I’ll make a number of posts over the coming week.

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